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Is implantation bleeding normal?


During early pregnancy, women begin to experience new sensations in their bodies. Among them is spotting or implantation bleeding that occurs in the first few days after an embryo transfer.

Although this bleeding should not be a sign of concern, it often raises questions because it usually occurs around the time a woman would expect to have her period. Implantation bleeding is light, dark in color, and stops on its own after a few days. Instead, menstruation is usually heavier and more intensely red.


Embryo transfer is the last and decisive step in any assisted reproduction process; it is time to introduce the blastocyst into the uterus. The blastocyst is an embryo of five days of development, with a size of 200 microns and that has about 150-200 cells. The implantation of this embryo will begin one or two days after said transfer, where a better synchronization between the embryo and the endometrium is associated. It is at this time of implantation that some blood vessels can break into the walls of the uterus and, consequently, bleeding that appears dark in color.

There are other symptoms that may accompany the onset of implantation bleeding. During these days you may begin to feel some changes in your body, such as breast tenderness, changes in basal temperature, nausea, headache, discomfort, or tiredness, among others. All these symptoms are normal in the first weeks of pregnancy

Some women have no implantation bleeding, and in others, it is more profuse. It is usually normal to confuse it with light menstruation. If this happens, the woman may not realize she is pregnant, which can lead to confusion when determining the baby’s due date.

On the other hand, if the spotting continues after confirmation of beta HCG, a specialist should be consulted to verify that a threatened or biochemical abortion is not taking place. In this case, the bleeding is much more abundant than the bleeding that occurs during implantation. These types of pregnancy losses are so early that pregnancy cannot be confirmed by ultrasound. Likewise, another of the causes that indicate biochemical abortion is the amount of beta HCG, since this value does not increase exponentially as it should.


In any situation, it is very important to observe any signs or symptoms and visit your doctor so that he can give you a true diagnosis. At Ovoclinic we are available both by WhatsApp and in person for all kinds of queries and emergencies. We will be happy to assist you!

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